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About the
Assemblies of Christ Int'l

Our Church History

The Assemblies of Christ Int'l is a Church jurisdiction that is an extension of the ancient Historical Church. Apostle Paul referred to all the churches collectively during his day as "the Assemblies of Christ" (Romans 16:16). 


In agreement with Apostle Paul, we have embraced the collective referent Assemblies of Christ as the most appropriate title for our association of churches. Not only are we connected to the early church through our Scriptural name, but we are also connected to the historical church through Apostolic Succession traced back to the original apostles, the four ecumenical creeds, and the sacraments.


In August 2023, R.W. Deese, Phillip Burd, Emmanuel Julian, and Anastasius Omoke officially incorporated the Assemblies of Christ Int'l. Since our official opening in August 2023, we have seen miraculous growth. As of September 10, fifty (50) churches have officially connected with us. Our church has grown steadily and is proud of our rich history and heritage. 


We are an Ancient-Modern expression of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles.


Our unique blend of the Ancient Apostolic Faith with the powerful Pentecostal-Charismatic renewal movements of the last century has created a Living, Vibrant, and Passionate association of churches with strong historical roots.


Additionally, we believe that the ancient Orthodox canon of Scripture is the inspired word of God. We strive to live our lives by its teachings. 


Because of our love for Scripture, the historical church, and sacraments, we believe these help to draw believers into a living and life-giving relationship with the Triune God. We are dedicated to spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to all who are open to it.




We have blended the Ancient Apostolic Faith with the Pentecostal-Charismatic renewal movements of the last century ~ all designed to draw believers into a living and life-giving relationship with the Triune God! As such, we consider ourselves Orthodox-Pentecostal.


The term Orthodox in classical Christian usage refers to the set of doctrines that were believed by the early Church. These doctrines were formalized into creedal statements over a period of many centuries.


The term Pentecostal comes from the Greek word that means "fiftieth." Fifty days after the Feast of Passover, the Jews would celebrate the Feast of Weeks, also called Pentecost. For Christians, the Day of Pentecost is remembered because it was the first time  that the Holy Spirit was given as a distinct Gift to believers, whereby each believer was given the ability to speak in languages they had never learned.

In the Assemblies of Christ, we fully embrace the Creedal statements as well as the availability of the Gift of the Holy Spirit for all believers.

Creedal Christianity

At Assemblies of Christ Int'l, we hold fast to the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith as outlined in the historic Creeds of the united church, including the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasius Creed, and Chalcedonian Creed. These time-honored Creeds clarify biblical teachings, convey critical theological concepts, reaffirm our faith in Christ, and guide our beliefs as a community of believers.


As followers of the Christian faith, we hold fast to the fundamental belief that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human and that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all coequal and coeternal persons of the Trinity. This core belief serves as a vital guidepost for identifying errors in doctrine and distinguishing them from scriptural truths.


By outlining the essential tenets of Christianity, the creeds reveal the one true God to His people, providing a framework for us to deepen our understanding of His character and will. Through the creeds, we can better connect with God, loving Him with our whole being and living by His divine plan. We can discern truth from hearsay and misguided information by studying the creeds with Scripture.

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