About the
Assemblies of Christ Int'l
Our Church History
The Assemblies of Christ Int’l is a Church jurisdiction with a rich lineage that dates back to the original apostles, the four ecumenical creeds, and Scripture. Apostle Paul coined the term "The Assemblies of Christ" in reference to all the Christian Assemblies in the first century (Romans 16:16 LSV). In keeping with his vision, we have adopted the collective term Assemblies of Christ as the most fitting title for a Christ-centered association of churches.
In 2023, R.W. Deese, Phillip Burd, Emmanuel Julian, and Anastasius Omoke were called to bring new life into the Assemblies of Christ as an Ancient-Modern expression of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles. The aim was to move away from lifeless rituals and individualism resulting from formalism, ritualism, and historical disconnection.
We are proud of our heritage and what God is doing. The Assemblies of Christ Int’l has seen remarkable growth since opening our doors in August of 2023. Twenty-four ministers have finished the first vetting phase, with over 150 applying. Most are overseers of congregations and are excited about becoming part of the Assemblies of Christ.
We are an Ancient-Modern expression of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles.
Our unique blend of the Ancient Apostolic Faith with the powerful Pentecostal-Charismatic renewal movements of the last century has created a Living, Vibrant, and Passionate association of churches with strong historical roots.
Additionally, we believe that the ancient Orthodox canon of Scripture is the inspired word of God. We strive to live our lives by its teachings.
Because of our love for Scripture, the historical church, and sacraments, we believe these help to draw believers into a living and life-giving relationship with the Triune God. We are dedicated to spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to all who are
open to it.
We consider ourselves a New Breed of Classical Pentecostals - balanced, healthy, and alive, with strong historical roots. This move of God is called the Orthodox-Pentecostal movement, an Ancient-Modern expression of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles.
We have blended the Ancient Apostolic Faith with the Pentecostal-Charismatic renewal movements of the last century ~ all designed to draw believers into a living and life-giving relationship with the Triune God!
By "Orthodox," we refer to the set of doctrines that were believed by the early Church. These doctrines were formalized into creedal statements over a period of many centuries.
By "Pentecostal," we refer to the beliefs that recognize the Holy Spirit as a unique Gift bestowed upon believers, enabling them to speak in tongues they have never learned, and to the full operation of all spiritual gifts. Yet, we wholeheartedly accept the four ecumenical Creedal statements and the early church testimony that the Gift of the Holy Spirit is accessible to all believers after baptism.
In the Assemblies of Christ, we fully embrace the Creedal statements as well as the availability of the Gift of the Holy Spirit for all believers.
Creedal Christianity
The Assemblies of Christ Int’l is Creedal. The Latin definition of the word creed means “I believe”; therefore, a creed can be interpreted as a summary of core beliefs.
Throughout the history of the Church, formal creeds such as the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and Creed of Chalcedon were developed to refute heresies. These creeds have served as a foundation for Christians for centuries, providing a sense of unity and belonging through a set of beliefs that reflect the fundamental doctrines found in the Bible.
These beliefs have been shaped by years of rigorous Scripture study and are considered helpful, reliable, and authoritative in matters of faith. However, it's important to remember that fallible individuals wrote these creeds and should be scrutinized against the ultimate authority of Scripture – Prima Scriptura.